
Ishida T, Suzuki M, Matsumoto H, Samukawa M, Kaneko S, Inoue C, Aoki Y, Tohyama H.

Relationship Between Quadriceps Strength at 6 Months Postoperatively and improvement in Patient-Reported Knee Function After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Orthop J Sports Med, 2025


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Kensuke T, Samukawa M, Oba K, Komatsuzaki M, Kamewari Y, Sentoku F, Koshino Y, Ishida T, Kasahara S, Tohyama H.

The effects of intermittent and continuous dynamic stretching with a duration-matched protocol on range of motion and single-leg jump performance

Sport Sci Health, 2024

Full Text


Kasahara T, Chiba A, Jiang L, Ishida T, Koshino Y, Samukawa M, Saito H, Tohyama H. 

Association Between Physical Activity and Performance in Skill Learning Among Older Adults Based on Cognitive Function

J Aging Phys Act, 2024, 1-12

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Osuka S, Sudo H, Yamada K, Tachi H, Fukushima A, Mani H, Watanabe K, Sentoku F, Chiba T, Hori H, Iwasaki N, Mukaino M, Tohyama H.

Posterior Correctionand Fusion Using a 4D Anatomical

Spinal Reconstruction TechniqueImproves Postural Stability under theEye-Closed Condition in Patients withAdolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.

J.Clin. Med, 2024, 13, 6366

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Tokikuni Y, Watanabe A, Nakazono H, Miura H, Saito R, Miaowen D, Fuyama K, Takahashi K, Okada K, Sugawara K, Tohyama H, Yoshida S, Fong KNK, Sawamura D.

Differing effectiveness of transcranial random noise stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation for enhancing working memory in healthy individuals: a randomized controlled trial.

J Neuroeng Rehabil, 21, 1, 180, 2024

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Osuka S, Takahata M, Takeda R, Chiba T, Hori H, Kataoka Y, Iwasaki N, Mukaino M, Tohyama H.

Cervical motion analysis using wearable inertial sensors to patients with cervical ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament.

J Orthop Res, 43, 2, 430-440, 2024

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Kataoka Y, Ishida T, Osuka S, Takeda R, Tadano S, Yamada S, Tohyama H.

Validity of Wearable Gait Analysis System for Measuring Lower-Limb Kinematics during Timed Up and Go Test

Sensors, 24, 6296

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Oba K, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Ishida T, Tohyama H.

Effects of short-duration constant torque and constant angle stretching on the musculotendinous stiffness of ankle plantar flexors

Sport Sci Health, 2024

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Komatsuzaki M, Samukawa M, Oba K, Koshino Y, Ishida T, Kasahara S, Tohyama H.

Sex-related differences in stretch-induced musculotendinous stiffness changes.

Women's Health Reports, 51: 680-688, 2024

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Koshino Y, Kimura M, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Ishida T, Tohyama H.

Abductor hallucis muscle activity during short foot exercise in combination with static and dynamic functional tasks.

Gait Posture, 113:498-503, 2024

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Uchio Y, Ishijima M, Ikeuchi M, Ikegawa S, Ishibashi Y, Omori G, Shiba N, Takeuchi R, Tanaka S, Tsumura H, Deie M, Tohyama H, Yoshimura N, Nakashima Y.

Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) clinical practice guidelines on the management of Osteoarthritis of the knee - Secondary publication.

J Orthop Sci, 2024

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Tanaka M, Koshino Y, Oba K, Sentoku F, Komatsuzaki M, Kyotani N, Ishida T, Kasahara S, Tohyama H, Samukawa M

Effects of Different Amounts of Dynamic Stretching on Musculotendinous Extensibility and Muscle Strength.

Appl Sci, 14(15): 6745, 2024

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Kasahara S, Ishida T, Linjing J, Chiba A, Samukawa M, Tohyama H.

Relationship among the COM Motion, the Lower Extremity and the Trunk during the Squat.

J Hum Kinet, 83:29-39, 2024

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Ishida T, Ino T, Yamakawa Y, Wada N, Koshino Y, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Tohyama H

Estimation of Vertical Ground Reaction Force during Single-leg Landing Using Two-dimensional Video Images and Pose Estimation Artificial Intelligence

Phys Ther Res, 27(1):35-41, 2024

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Ueno R, Tsuyuki Y, Tohyama H

Validity of muscle activation estimated with predicted ground reaction force in inverse dynamics based musculoskeletal simulation during gait

J Biomech, 168:112118, 2024

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Watahabe K, Koshino Y, Nakagawa K, Ishida T, Kasahara S, Samukawa M, Tohyama H

The relationship between joint kinematic patterns during single-leg drop landing and perceived instability in individuals with chronic ankle instability

Clin Biomech, 114:106237, 2024

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Nakata A, Osuka S, Ishida T, Saito Y, Koshino Y, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Tohyama H

Relationship between onset of trunk muscle activities and pelvic kinematics in individuals with and without chronic low back pain

J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 37(5): 1391-1400, 2024

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Nakata A, Osuka S, Ishida T, Saito Y, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Koshino Y, Oikawa N, Tohyama H

Trunk Muscle Activity and Ratio of Local Muscle to Global Muscle Activity during Supine Bridge Exercises under Unstable Conditions in Young Participants with and without Chronic Low Back Pain

Healthcare (Basel), 12(5): 514, 2024

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Jiang L, Kasahara S, Ishida T, Koshino Y, Chiba A, Wei Y, Samukawa M, Tohyama H

Effect of suspensory strategy on balance recovery after lateral perturbation

Human Movement Science, 94: 103184, 2024

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Osuka S, Koshino Y, Watanabe K, Kataoka Y, Tohyama H.

Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Associated with Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain in College Athletes.

J Pain Res, 20(17): 285-292, 2024

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Ino T, Samukawa M, Ishida T, Wada N, Koshino Y, Kasahara S, Tohyama H.

Validity and Reliability of OpenPose-Based Motion Analysis in Measuring Knee Valgus during Drop Vertical Jump Test.

J Sports Sci Med, 23: 515-525, 2024

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Ino T, Samukawa M, Ishida T, Wada N, Koshino Y, Kasahara S, Tohyama H

Validity of AI-Based Gait Analysis for Simultaneous Measurement of Bilateral Lower Limb Kinematics Using a Single Video Camera

Sensors (Basel), 23(24): 9799, 2023

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Komatsuzaki M, Samukawa M, Oba K, Koshino Y, Ishida T, Kasahara S, Tohyama H

Sex-related differences in stretch-induced musculotendinous stiffness changes

Sport Sci Health, 20: 757-762, 2024

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Jiang L, Kasahara S, Ishida T, Koshino Y, Chiba A, Yoshimi K, Wei Y, Samukawa M, Tohyama H

Change in sensory integration and regularity of postural sway with the suspensory strategy during static standing balance

Front Neurol, 14:1290986, 2023

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Koshino Y, Ishida T, Taniguchi S, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Tohyama H

Hip and knee kinematics, center of pressure position, and ground reaction force are associated with Achilles tendon force during jump landing

Scand J Med Sci Sports, 34(1), 2023

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Suzuki M, Ishida T, Matsumoto H, Kaneko S, Inoue C, Aoki Y, Tohyama H, Samukawa M

Association of Psychological Readiness to Return to Sports with Subjective Level of Return at 12 Months After ACL Reconstruction

Orthop J Sports Med, 11(9), 2023

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Chijimatsu M, Ishida T, Yamanaka M, Taniguchi S, Ueno R, Ikuta R, Samukawa M, Ino T, Kasahara S, Tohyama H

Subsequent Jumping Increases the Knee and Hip Abduction Moment, Trunk Lateral Tilt, and Trunk Rotation Moment During Single-Leg Landing in Female Individuals

J Appl Biomech, 39(4):223-229, 1-7, 2023

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Yamashita M, Ishida T, Osuka S, Watanabe K, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Kondo E, Tohyama H

Trunk Muscle Activities during Ergometer Rowing in Rowers with and without Low Back Pain

J Sports Sci Med, 22(2):338-344, 2023

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Ishida T, Samukawa M, Koshino Y, Ino T, Kasahara S, Tohyama H

Interlimb Asymmetry in Knee Extension Moment During Double-Leg Squatting Is Associated With Persistent Quadriceps Weakness After ACL Reconstruction

Orthop J Sports Med , 11(6):23259671231182105,  2023

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Sabashi K, Chiba T, Yamanaka M, Tohyama H

Effect of toe-out gait modification on patellofemoral joint loading

Gait Posture 104:135-139, 2023

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Sabashi K, Chiba T, Iwasaki K, Onodera T, Kondo E, Iwasaki N, Tohyama H.

Early Changes in Postural Balance Following Inverted V-Shaped High Tibial Osteotomy in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis

J Appl Biomech 10;39(2):124-129, 2023

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Koshino Y, Akimoto M, Kawahara D, Watanabe K, Ishida T, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Tohyama, H.

Inertial Sensor-Based Assesment of Static Balance in Athletes with Chronic Ankle Instability

J Sports Sci Med 22(1):36-43, 2023

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Watanabe K, Koshino Y, Kawahara D, Akimoto M, Mishina M, Nakagawa K, Ishida T, Kasahara S, Samukawa M, Tohyama H.

Kinesiophobia, self-reported ankle function, and sex are associated with perceived ankle instability in college club sports athletes with chronic ankle instability

Phys Ther Sport 61:45-50, 2023

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Kataoka Y, Saito Y, Takeda R, Ishida T, Tadano S, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Nakata A, Osuka S, Yamada S, Samukawa M, Tohyama H.

 Evaluation of Lower-Limb Kinematics during Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test in Subjects with Locomotive Syndrome (LS) Using Wearable Gait Sensors (H-Gait System)

Sensors 23(2):687, 2023 

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Linjing J, Kasahara S, Ishida T, Yuting W, Chiba A, Samukawa M, Tohyama H.

Dual-Task Interference Slows Down Proprioception

Motor Control 1-15, 2023

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Ishida T, Samukawa M, Koshino Y, Ino T, Kasahara S, Tohyama H.

Pelvic Rotation Is Associated With Asymmetry in the Knee Extensor Moment During Double-Leg Squatting After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

J Appl Biomech 39(1):62-68, 2023

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Koshino Y, Kobayashi T.

Effects of Conservative Interventions on Static and Dynamic Balance in With Chronic Ankle Instability: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1-13, 2022

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Tanaka Y, Ishida T, Ino T, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Tohyama H.

The effects of relative trunk rotation velocity on ball speed and elbow and shoulder joint torques during baseball pitching

Sports Biomech 1-13, 2022

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Suzuki M, Ishida T, Matsumoto H, Kaneko S, Inoue C, Aoki Y,  Tohyama H, Samukawa M. 

Phychological readiness at 9 months after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - which factors affect?

Phys Ther Sport 58:74-79, 2022

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Ishida T, Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Tohyama H.

The center of pressure position in combination with ankle dorsiflexion and trunk flexion is useful in predicting the contribution of the knee extensor moment during double-leg squatting

BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabili 14(1):127, 2022

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Koshino Y, Taniguchi S, Kobayashi T, Samukawa M, Inoue M.

Protocols of rehabilitation and return to sport, and clinical outcomes after medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction with and without tibial tuberosity osteotomy: a systematic review

Int Orthop, 2022

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Ishida T, Samukawa M, Endo D, Kasahara S, Tohyama H.
Effects of changing Center of Pressure Position on Knee and Ankle Extensor Moments During Double-Leg Squatting

J Sports Sci Med 21:341-346, 2022

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Saito YIshida TKataoka YTakeda RTadano S Suzuki TNakamura KNakata AOsuka SYamada SSamukawa MTohyama H.

Evaluation of gait characteristics in subjects with locomotive syndrome using wearable gait sensors

BMC Musculoskelet Disord 23(1):457, 2022

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Chiba ISamukawa MTakizawa KNishikawa YIshida TKasahara SYamanaka MTohyama H.

Warm-up Intensity and Time-Course Effects on Jump Height under Cold Conditions

Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(9):5781, 2022

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 Ikegami NSamukawa MSakamaki-Sunaga MSugawara MTorashima SIshida TKasahara STohyama H.

The Influence of Low Energy Availability on Bone Mineral Density and Trabecular Bone Microarchitecture of Pubescent Female Athletes: A Preliminary Study

Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(9): 5580, 2022

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Taniguchi SIshida T,Yamanaka MUeno RIkuta RChijimatsu MSamukawa MKoshino YKasahara S, Tohyama H.

Sex difference in frontal plane hip moment in response to lateral trunk obliquity during single-leg landing

BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabili 14(1):70, 2022

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Nara GSamukawa MOba KKoshino YIshida TKasahara STohyama H.

The deficits of isometric knee flexor strength in lengthened hamstring position after hamstring strain injury

Phys Ther Sports 53:91-96, 2022

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Mikami KSamukawa MOba KNakamura KSuzumori YIshida YMatsumoto HAoki YIshida TYamanaka MTohyama H.

Torque-angle curve of the knee flexors in athletes with a prior history of hamstring strainPhys Ther Sports 54:29-35, 2022

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Watanabe KKoshino YIshida TSamukawa MTohyama H.

Energy dissipation during single leg landing from three heights in individuals with and without chronic ankle instability

Sports Biomech 21(4):408-427, 2022

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Oba KSamukawa MAbe YSuzuki YKomatsuzaki MKasahara SIshida TTohyama H.

Effects of Intermittent and Continuous Static Stretching on Range of Motion and Musculotendinous Viscoelastic Properties Based on a Duration-Matched Protocol

Int J Environ Res Public Health 11;18(20):10632, 2021

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Ishida T, Samukawa M, Suzuki M, Matsumoto H, Ito Y, Sakashita M, Aoki Y,  Yamanaka M,  Tohyama H.

Improvements in asymmetry in knee flexion motion during landing are associated with the postoperative period and quadriceps strength after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Res Sports Med 29:1-11, 2021

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Sabashi K, Kasahara S, Tohyama H, Chiba Takeshi, Koshino Y, Ishida T, Samukawa M, Yamanaka M.

Changes in postural control strategy during quiet standing in individuals with knee osteoarthritis

J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil Pre-press:1-8, 2021

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Kataoka Y, Takeda R, Tadano S, Ishida T, Saito Y, Osuka S, Samukawa M Tohyama H.

Analysis of 3-D Kinematics Using H-Gait System during Walking on a Lower Body Positive Pressure Treadmill

Sensors 4:8-21, 2021

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Sabashi K, Ishida T, Matsumoto H, Mikami K, Chiba T, Yamanaka M, Aoki Y, Tohyama H.

Dynamic postural control correlates with activities of daily living and quality of life in patients

with knee osteoarthritis

BMC Muscloskelet Disord 3:287, 2021

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Ishida T, Koshino Y, Yamanaka M, Ueno R, Taniguchi S, Ino T, Kasahara S, Samukawa M;

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Larger hip external rotation motion is associated with larger knee abduction and internal rotation motions during a drop vertical jump

Sports Biomech 4:1-15, 2021

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Kataoka Y, Shimizu T, Takeda R, Tadano S, Saito Y, Osuka S, Ishida T, Samukawa M,

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Effect of unweighting on gait kinematics during walking on a lower-body positive-pressure

treadmill in patients with hip osteoarthritis

BMC Muscloskelet Disord 8:22-46, 2021

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Koshino Y, Samukawa M, Chiba S, Okada S, Tanaka H, Watanabe K, Chijimatsu M

Yamanaka M, Tohyama H.

Postural Stability and Muscle Activation Onset during Double-to Single-Leg Stance tansition in Flat-footed Individuals

J Sports Sci Med 19:662-669, 2020

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Tsurubami R, Oba K, Samukawa M, Takizawa K, Chiba I, Yamanaka M, Tohyama H.

Warm-Up Intensity and Time Course Effect on Jump Performance

J Sports Sci Med 19:714-720, 2020

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Chijimatsu MIshida T, Yamanaka M, Taniguchi S, Ueno R, Ikuta R Samukawa M ,

Ino T, Kasahara S, Tohyama H.  

Landing instructions focused on pelvic and trunk lateral tilt decrease the knee abduction moment during a single-leg drop vertical jump

Physical Therapy in Sport 46:226-233, 2020

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Koshino Y, Samukawa M, Murata H, Osuka S, Kasahara S, Yamanaka M, Tohyama H.

Prevalence and characteristics of chronic ankle instability and copers identified by the criteria for research and clinical practice in collegiate athletes

Physical Therapy in Sport 45:23-29, 2020

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Osuka S, Ishida T, Yamanaka M, Chiba T, Miura T, Koshino Y, Saito Y, Nakata A,

Samukawa M, Kasahara S, Tohyama H.

Abdominal draw-in maneuver changes neuromuscular responses to sudden release from trunk loading in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain

Journal of Orthopaedic Science 25(5):781-786, 2020

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Ueno R, Navacchia A, DiCesare CA, Ford KR, Myer GD, Ishida T, Tohyama H, Hewett TE.

Knee abduction moment is predicted by lower gluteus medius force and larger vertical and lateral ground reaction forces during drop vertical jump in female athletes

J Biomech 103:109669, 2020

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Editorial Commentary: Which Procedure Contributes to Best Outcomes After Arthroscopic Reduction and Minimally Invasive Surgery for Ankle Fractures?

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Lyman S, Omori G, Nakamura N, Takahashi T, Tohyama H, Fukui N, Ikeda H, Sasho T,

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Development and validation of a culturally relevant Japanese KOOS

Journal of Orthopaedic Science 24(3):514-520, 2019

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Osuka SKoshino Y, Yamanaka M, Miura T, Saito Y, Ueno R, Ishida T, Samukawa M, Tohyama H.

The onset of deep abdominal muscles activity during tasks with different trunk rotational torques in subjects with non-specific chronic low back pain

Journal of Orthopaedic Science 24(5):770-775, 2019

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Okunuki T, Koshino Y, Yamanaka M, Tsutsumi K, Igarashi M, Samukawa M, Saitoh H,  Tohyama H.

Forefoot and hindfoot kinematics in subjects with medial tibial stress syndrome during walking and running

Journal of Orthopaedic Resaearch 37(4):927-932, 2019

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Ishida T, Koshino Y, Yamanaka M, Ueno R, Taniguchi S, Samukawa M, Matsumoto H, Aoki Y, Tohyama H.

The effects of a subsequent jump on the knee abduction angle during the early landing phase

BMC Muscloskelet Disord 19:397, 2018

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Miura K, Tsuda E, Tohyama H, Iwahori Y, Mae T, Mochizuki Y, Nakagawa K, Nakamae A, Nakamura T, Takao M, Uchida S, Muneta T, Ochi M.

Can arthroscopic Bankart repairs using suture anchors restore equivalent stability to open repairs in the management of traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation? A meta-analysis

Journal of Orthopaedic Science 23(6):935-941, 2018

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Oba K, Samukawa M, Nakamura K, Mikami K, Suzumori Y, Ishida Y, Keeler N, Saitoh H, Yamanaka M, Tohyama H.

Influence of Constant Torque Stretching at Different Stretching Intensities on Flexibility and Mechanical Properties of Plantar Flexors

Journal of strength and conditioning research 35(3):709-714, 2018

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Koshino Y,  Yamanaka M, Ezawa Y, Ishida T, Samukwa M, Tohyama H.

Coupling motion between rearfoot and hip and knee joints during walking and single-leg landing

Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 37:75-83, 2017

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Ueno R, Ishida T, Yamanaka M, Taniguchi S, Ikuta R, Samukwa M, Saito H, Tohyama H.

Quadriceps force and anterior tibial force occur obviously later than vertical ground reaction force : a simulation study

BMC Muscuoskelt Disord 18(1):467, 2017

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Koshino Y, Ishida T, Yamanaka M, Samukwa M, Kobayashi T, Tohyama H.

Toe-in Landing Increases the Ankle Inversion Angle and Moment During Single-Leg Landing: Implications in the Prevention of Lateral Ankle Sprains

J Sports Rehabil 26(6):530-535, 2017

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Chiba T, Yamanaka M, Samukawa M, Saito H, Sabashi K, Tohyama H. 

The relationship between the load on the knee joint during walking and the biomechanical characteristics of single-leg standing

J Phys Ther Sci 28(8):2199-2203, 2016

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Koshino Y, Ishida T, Yamanaka M,Ezawa Y,Okunuki T,Kobayashi T,Samukwa M,Saito H,Tohyama H.

Kinematics and muscle activities of the lower limb during a side-cutting task in subjects with chronic ankle instability

Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 24(4):1071-1080, 2016

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Ishida T, Yamanaka M, Takeda N, Homan K,Koshino Y,Kobayashi T,Matsumoto H,Aoki Y.

The effect of changing toe direction on knee kinematics during drop vertical jump : a possible risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament injury

Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 23(4):1004-1009, 2015

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Ishigaki T, Ishida T, Samukawa M, Saito H, Ezawa Y, Hirokawa M, Kato T, Sugawara M, Tohyama H, Yamanaka M.

Does Restriction of Glenohumeral Horizontal Adduction Reflect Posterior Capsule Thickening of the Throwing Shoulder?

Journal of Physical Therapy Science 27(5):1299-1302, 2015

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Ishigaki T, Ishida T, Samukawa M, Saito H, Hirokawa M, Ezawa Y, Sugawara M, Tohyama H, Yamanaka M.

Comparing trapezius muscle activity in the different planes of shoulder elevation

Journal of Physical Therapy Science 27(5):1495-1497, 2015

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Koshino Y, Yamanaka M, Ezawa Y,Ishida T, Kobayashi T, Samukawa M, Saito H, Takeda N.

Lower limb joint motion during a cross cutting movement differs in individuals with and without chronic ankle instability

Phys Ther Sport 15(4):242-248, 2014

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Miura T, Yamanaka M, Ukishiro K, Tohyama H, Saito H, Samukawa M, Kobayashi T, Ino T, Takeda N.

Individuals with chronic low back pain do not modulate the level of transversus abdminis muscle contraction across different postures

Man Ther 19(6):534-540, 2014

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Ishigaki T, Yamanaka M, Hirokawa M, Tai K, Ezawa Y, Samukawa M, Tohyama H, Sugawara M.

Rehabilitation Exercises to Induce Balanced Scapular Muscle Activity in an Anti-gravity Posture

Journal Physical Therapy Science 26:1871-1874, 2014

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Ishida T, Yamanaka M, Takeda N, Aoki Y.

Knee rotation associated with dynamic knee valgus and toe direction

Knee 21(2):563-566, 2014

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