XXIII ISEK (International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology) Virtual Congress. 2020 July 12–14 (Online)

Ishida T, Samukawa M, Ino T, Watanabe K, Sabashi K, Hori T, Koshino Y, Tohyama H

Association between lower-limb joint loading pattern and center of pressure during squat exercise in subjects with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.


Sabashi K, Ishida T, Matsumoto H, Mikami K, Chiba T, Yamanaka M, Aoki Y, Tohyama H: Relationship between dynamic postural control during the transition from two-leg to one-leg standing and functional disability in subjects with knee osteoarthritis.


2020 Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2020. Feb 8-11 (Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, AZ )

Osuka S, Sudo H, Chiba T, Iwasaki N, Toyama H.

The Effects of Posterior Spinal Correction and Fusion on Postural Balance in Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis.